SetFormatCC Routine Action Sets the country code for the Format X $ functions. Syntax SetFormatCC ( countrycode%) Remarks The argument countrycode% is the international telephone dialing prefix for the country chosen as the target audience when using the Format X $ functions. The only reason to use SetFormatCC is to change what the Format X $ functions expect as thousands-separator and decimal-point formatting characters. The default setting for the country code is the United States (1). If you set the country code to France (33), the following statement would display the number 1,000 (U.S.) as 1.000,00. PRINT FormatD$ (1000, "#.##0,00") The format you use with the Format X $ functions must be compatible with the current country code in order for formatted numbers to display properly. If you set the country code to one of the following countries, the Format X $ functions expect alternative formatting characters. Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, or Switzerland. Canada uses one country code for French Canada (2) and another for the remainder of Canada (1). To use SetFormatCC in the QBX environment, use the DTFMTER.QLB Quick library. To use SetFormatCC outside of the QBX environment, link your program with the appropriate DTFMT xx.LIB file. Depending on the compiler options you chose when you installed BASIC, one or more of the following files will be available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename Compiler options ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DTFMTER.LIB 80x87 or emulator math; DOS or OS-2 real mode DTFMTAR.LIB Alternate math; DOS or OS-2 real mode DTFMTEP.LIB 80x87 or emulator math; OS-2 protected mode DTFMTAP.LIB Alternate math; OS-2 protected mode The FORMAT.BI header file contains the necessary function declarations for using the formatting functions. For more information on using libraries, see Chapter 18, "Using LINK and LIB" and Chapter 19, "Creating and Using Quick Libraries" in the Programmer's Guide. See Also Format X $; StringAddress Routine, StringLength Routine (in Part 1).